Cyclofans Cimbria
The Cimbria dryers give you a pleasant immediate environment operation and economy without dust emission or heat loss. The dryer design incorporates the principal of air sucking through the grain putting the dryer body under negative pressure eliminating emission of grain dust and thermal loss from the column.
The Cimbria Cyclofan ensures you a better separation than other dust separating fans with the same energy consumption. The Cyclofan is a combination of a ventilator and a high-effective centrifugal separator. It is very easy to install, it is space saving, and results from Biotechnological Institute shows that it has a dust separating efficiency of more than 98%.
For minimizing the dust leak even more, Cimbria has developed and patented the Cimbria Super Cyclofan, the most effective dust separation ventilator. With its unusually high dust separating efficiency of more than 99% with the best energy utilisation, it gives a secure environmental advantage.
The simplest form of mechanical dust separation is the Cimbria Axifan.
By means of Cimbria’s noise attenuation system, the local demands on noise emission can be met efficiently. The Cimbria’s Varifans are installed on all our ventilators and gives the possibility for step-less adjustment of the air volume and proportionally a reduction in the energy consumption